Family Funds

A Family Fund can be established in the Foundation with an initial gift or pledge of $50,000 or more. This fund will allow an individual or family to take an active role in building or supporting a long-term program that benefits St. Peter’s School. The Foundation will work with the donor and the school administration to develop a program that can be sustained by the distribution income.

The Distribution Committee of the Board of Trustees will consult annually with you or your designee concerning the distribution. This fund is also open-ended and may be increased at any time through additional gifts.

Named Endowed Scholarships

A named endowed scholarship can allow donors and their families to invest directly in the ministry of educating students at St. Peter’s School. Scholarships may be named in memory of a family member, classmate, friend, or special teacher.

A named endowed scholarship is established with a gift or pledge of $10,000 or more. A starting gift of $5,000 will establish the fund. The pledge is to be fulfilled over a five-year period and can be billed quarterly, monthly, or yearly. Once the $12,500 threshold is reached, one $500 scholarship will be awarded. Endowed scholarships may fund all or part of a student’s tuition each year.

Donor Named Funds

A donor-named fund can be established in the foundation, usually with an initial gift of $10,000 or more. You may choose any name you wish, your own or that of your family, a friend, or an organization. Such funds are open-ended and may be increased anytime through additional gifts. The annual distribution from the fund will always be given in the fund’s name.

The Foundation will work with you or your representative to help decide where in St. Peter’s School the annual distributions from the named fund will be placed. The Foundation will work with the school administration to approve grant requests, monitor and evaluate outcomes of grants, administer the fund, and manage its investments.

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