Our Namesake

Monsignor Edward C. Dunn was Pastor at St. Peter’s Parish from 1973 until 1983.

A native of Tiffin, Ohio, he attended St. Mary’s Catholic School and graduated from Tiffin Calvert High School in 1934. After high school, he went on to St. Joseph College in Rensselaer, Ind., Basselin Scholar, Theological College/Catholic University of America, where he earned an STL in Theology, bachelor of arts in philosophy, and master of science in church history.

Immediately following his ordination, Father Dunn was appointed parochial vicar at St. Rose Parish in Lima, Ohio. His other appointments include:

  • October 1948, the parochial vicar at Blessed Sacrament Parish, Toledo;
  • July 1952, assistant principal of Calvert High School and chaplain at St. Francis Home, Tiffin;
  • June 1956, principal of Calvert and chaplain for the Ursuline convent;

On January 3, 1964, Pope Paul VI, through the Most Rev. George J. Rehering, Bishop of Toledo, appointed the Very Reverend Monsignor. In 1969, he was appointed as pastor of St. Peter Parish. During the 1982-83 school year, he stepped in as principal of St. Peter’s High School.

In July 1984, he was assigned to St. Mary Parish in Clyde, where he served until he was granted senior status in 1992.

From 1992 until his death, he was actively involved at St. Joseph’s and St. Francis Home in Tiffin, including celebrating Mass for residents. He also traveled back to Mansfield frequently to support the efforts of the Msgr. Dunn Foundation and pray for its growth.

Msgr. Dunn died on August 24, 2012, but his memory and legacy will always live on through the efforts of the Foundation that carries his name.

IRS 990 Filings

For the fiscal year ending:


For the fiscal year ending:

Dunn Foundation LEADERSHIP

Board of Trustees
Jack Stewart President
Robert Rice Vice-President
Joesph Mulherin ’99 Treasurer
Christopher Dunson ’85 Trustee
Jennifer Henderson Trustee
Judy Tridico Trustee
Allie Watson ’98 Trustee
Lyneal Wainwright Trustee
Jason Crundwell ’95 Trustee
Permanent & Ex-Officio Members
Most Rev. Daniel Thomas Bishop, Diocese of Toledo
Permanent Member
Rev. John Miller St. Peter Parish
Permanent Member
Dr. Cassandra Parente Head of School
St. Peter’s School
Ex-Officio Member

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